Interior Inspiration

5 Best Colors for Painting a Nursery

Nursery paint colors

Nursery room paint colors

Home design considerations are endless. What kind of sofa should I shop for? How do I find natural and organic decor brands that I can feel good about bringing into my home? Likewise, if you’re expecting a baby, you’ve likely given a bit of thought to what color you’ll paint the nursery.

Did you know that, according to color psychologists, using certain nursery colors, such as bright red or yellow, can affect babies’ moods, sleep patterns, and even how much they eat? Color can transform a room interior dramatically, and for babies, you ideally want to choose a color on the spectrum that's equal parts calm, restful, and nurturing. We’ve sourced six of the best colors that hit all three for you to be inspired by.

1. Soft Blues

Gentle and soothing, light and medium shades of blue are said to aid in relaxing both body and mind. 

blue nursery paint colors

Images via Est LivingMeg Leonard, and Emily Henderson

Blue paint colors

Blue can act as a salve to reduce anxiety and lower heart rate, and is also a cooling color which is good for helping babies calm down and drift to sleep. Powder blue, aqua, pale turquoise, and periwinkle are lovely options.

Some of our favorite blue shades, shown in the swatches above, include:

  1. Cloud Watching from Clare Paints
  2. Borrowed Light from Farrow & Ball
  3. On Tour from Backdrop
  4. The Early Stuff from Backdrop


2. Nurturing Greens

Green nursery paint colors

Images via Domino, Pepper Home, Domino

Green nursery paint colors

Bring nature into your nursery design by painting the walls a nurturing shade of green. Green has been given the thumbs up for nursery colors for its association with health and well-being, and is said to improve concentration and reading ability. Like blue, you should opt for a light to medium color for the greatest soothing effect: sage, apply, moss, olive, mint, sea foam, aquamarine, and wintergreen would all work.

Some of our favorite green shades, shown in the swatches above, include:

  1. Eddy from Farrow & Ball
  2. Headspace from Clare Paints
  3. Wyeth Blue from Benjamin Moore
  4. Sweet Celadon from Benjamin Moore

3. Cozy Pinks / Elegant Purples

pink nursery paint colors
Images via Alma Homes, The Kindred HomesteadNursery Design Studio

pink and purple nursery paint colorsPink is a go-to choice for any baby's nursery, giving it a cozy and warm ambiance. Go with gentle tones that lean more neutral for the ultimate in soft comfort. 

If you want something different, purple is also a playful alternative. Pastel pink, peach, baby pink, lavender, and lilac are a great place to start.

Some of our favorite green shades, shown in the swatches above, include:

  1. Not So Delicate from Backdrop 
  2. Peignoir from Farrow & Ball
  3. Zen from Jolie Paints
  4. Lilac Grey from Jolie Paints

4. Earth-Inspired Neutrals

Beige and neutral nursery paint colors
Images via Blacksburg Belle, Bedthreads, Lauren DeBello Interiors

Neutral Nursery Paint Colors

If you love earthy neutrals, but aren’t sure if they’re right for a nursery design, think again. Neutrals and clay tones are very calming and grounding for babies, giving their eyes a rest so they’re ready for sleep. 

An earth-tone nursery based on the following colors also gives you the chance to introduce brighter details in your accessories:

Some of our favorite earthy neutral shades, shown in the swatches above, include:

  1. Baby’s Breath from Benjamin Moore
  2. Morning Ritual from Backdrop
  3. Alpaca from Sherwin Williams
  4. Nuance from Sherwin Williams

5. Soothing Whites & Grays

white nursery paint colors
Images via Room to Bloom, Danielle Moss, @byengell

White and grey nursery paint colors

Creamy, white walls offer a soothing backdrop for your little one. Try whites with warm undertones instead of blues to avoid overstimulating your baby when they're trying to rest like soft ivory, antique white, pearl white, and cream.

Gray is another lovely modern neutral, and can be matched with almost any other color to brighten it up. Used as a base, it means you don’t have repaint as your child grows up, and can simply swap out furniture and accessories. In terms of color psychology, gray is a calming color and promotes contemplation.

Light or medium gray is a sensible choice, and absolutely doesn’t have to be boring when paired with accents such as white, pink or purple pastels, green, etc. Walls clad in gray also make ideal backdrops for nursery themes or decals of stars, stripes, trees or animals. 

Some of our favorite white and grey shades, shown in the swatches above, include:

  1. Shoreline by Benjamin Moore
  2. Salt by Farrow & Ball
  3. Opulence from Benjamin Moore
  4. Chantilly Lace from Benjamin Moore

There you have it, some classic nursery colors to help narrow down the endless choices out there! When planning baby room decor take your time and do your research, and explore all the nursery design options. And if you're looking for the perfect accent chair or sofa for snuggles and nursing, we've got you.

Kaydan Chair
Pictured: Kaydan Chair

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